Parrotlets are the second smallest of all parrots. Pacific Parrotlets are between 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 inches in length. They come from South America in the area of Peru and Ecuador. There are seven species of Parrotlets. Only three of these species are kept as pets. Of these, the Pacific Parrotlet is the most common. It is sometimes called the Celestial Parrotlet.
The Pacific Parrotlet is green. The males have blue on their wings, backs and streaking back from their eyes. This is true of the male color mutation parrotlets also.
This species is very common in pet stores and is valued by breeders. Its normal price range is 150-200 USD. This price is much lower than other species because since 1930 the US has had an established breeding population in captivity, before the CITES laws preventing importing wildlife from foreign countries. They have a cost of $2 (two) in Peruvian markets. Some of the color mutations in aviculture include blue, American yellow, American White, European yellow and white, fallow, dark factor green and lutino.